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11200 Corbin Ave Suite 104

Porter Ranch, CA 91326


Published on June 20, 2015

Wow. Just wow. I had freckles since moving to Arizona as a kid, which I’ve always wanted removed. But I was scared of burning, scarring, and having no results. I did some research and found that the Sciton BBL machine worked well at removing freckles, so I searched some more to find an LA doctor that owned this machine. I saw Nu Vela’s website that they have this machine. So I made an appointment. The receptionist, Jessica, is very sweet and knowledgeable. I came in for a consultation and Dr. Dishakjian was very confident he could remove almost all of my freckles. I had my doubts, but getting rid of some of them would have been worth it for me. When I came in for the actual removal, Jessica helped apply numbing cream to my face and I waited about 45 minutes before the doctor started zapping my face with the laser. First, Dr. Dishakjian tested a couple areas to make sure the laser was strong enough, and then he went ahead with zapping my face. I won’t lie, it freaking HURT and the bright light flashing near my eyes freaked me out a bit. But immediately, all the freckles turned dark brown/black and raised up (as Dr. Dishakjian said they would). My face felt like it had a bad sunburn for about an hour after the procedure, but it was fine after that. For about 2-3 days I looked like I had coffee grounds on my face, but by day 4-5 they had almost all fell off exposing clear freckle-free skin underneath! It’s now been a week since the laser and I am 95% freckle free! The few spots that remain are so light however, you can hardly notice them. I wore foundation every day before getting laser, but now all I have to wear is sunscreen because there is nothing to conceal! I have gotten so many compliments from friends and coworkers on how great the results are. I wish I had done this treatment years ago! Thanks a bunch, Dr. Dishakjian!

by Natsuko M.

*Individual results may vary.