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11200 Corbin Ave Suite 104

Porter Ranch, CA 91326

Facial Cosmetic Treatments in Los Angeles

We can all instinctively recognize the aging human face without being able to necessarily point out why, and for good reason. The facial aging process is complex, with multiple phenomena occurring simultaneously, sometimes in subtle ways, appearing at various ages, often at different order and different rates, depending on our individual aging pattern. These phenomena may include:

  • Thinning and loss of skin elasticity
  • Fine wrinkling and dullness of the skin
  • Appearance of age spots and sun spots
  • Appearance of dynamic or expression wrinkles
  • Under eye hollowness
  • Sagging and drooping of skin due to Loss of cheek fat and bone volume
  • Accumulation of fat in the under chin, jowls and eyelid fat pads
  • Appearance of blue veins and broken capillaries
  • Droopiness of the eyelids

In any individual, one or more of these phenomena may be present at the same time and not necessarily to the same extent. A good cosmetic surgeon therefore should have the keen eye to identify the most relevant components of the aging process in each individual patient, educate the patient about the available treatment options in understandable terms, set reasonable goals and then restore balance and harmony to the face. The end result should always be rejuvenation that is natural looking and age appropriate, so you end up looking your best, without looking like someone else.


Fortunately, most aspects of the aging face can be successfully addressed with minimally invasive, no scar, low risk, minimal to no downtime, “maintenance” treatments. These modern treatments options are not only sufficient for most patients who seek facial rejuvenation, but they are also a necessary adjunct to most patients who truly need more invasive surgery like facelifts, neck lift and eyelid surgery.


Facial Treatments Offered by Nu Vela

Ready to take the first step toward reclaiming the most beautiful you? Do you want to have healthy and young looking skin? You are one step away from the most effective, technologically advanced and least invasive procedures personally performed by Dr. Raffi Dishakjian, the cosmetic surgeon at Nu Vela, one of the best medical spas servicing San Fernando Valley and Los Angeles in Southern California. Dr. Dishakjian uses the most advanced cosmetic lasers and injectables to correct or treat the following conditions of the aging face:


Our medical spa is located in the northwest San Fernando Valley, SFV, with easy connection from most local Los Angeles freeways. Please do not hesitate to contact our medical spa at 818-832-4500 and request a confidential assessment appointment with Dr. Dishakjian, cosmetic surgeon and a board-certified physician. Consultations with the doctor are free with the purchase of any service. We charge a nominal refundable consultation fee for the first office visit only. This fee is fully credited towards a subsequently purchased service.