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Porter Ranch, CA 91326

Laser Skin Resurfacing Los Angeles

What Is Laser Skin Resurfacing?

Full ablative laser skin resurfacing, also known as a laser peel, laser vaporization and lasabrasion, is a time-honored method for tightening skin, eliminating brown spots, drastically improving skin laxity and texture, reducing or removing wrinkles, acne scarring, and pigmentation. Laser skin resurfacing clears your skin and helps you look years younger. It may be performed on the whole face or in specific regions.

The Benefits of Laser Skin Resurfacing

Laser skin resurfacing gives great results, provided you can bear the painful recovery after the procedure, and can afford one or two-week downtime away from work or social events. The benefits of a single treatment; however, will last for many years to come. Sometimes, the procedure is done in conjunction with another cosmetic operation, such as a facelift or eyelid surgery.

How Does Laser Skin Resurfacing Work?

Lasers used for skin resurfacing direct short, concentrated pulsating beams of light that target water, and because water is everywhere in the skin, the laser beam will virtually vaporize and remove skin layer by layer, destroying the healthy, normal cells along with the undesired cells.

All resurfacing techniques can be performed to varying depths. A more superficial treatment, commonly known as microlaser peel, will require less healing time, but you may need to have the procedure repeated more than once to achieve the same results as a deeper treatment.

The Different Types of Resurfacing Lasers

There are two types of resurfacing lasers in common use for laser resurfacing: Erbium:YAG and carbon dioxide. Dr. Dishakjian, the cosmetic surgeon at Nu Vela, uses the Erbium:Yag laser manufactured by Sciton. The Erbium:YAG laser is similar to the carbon dioxide laser in that it targets water in the skin. However, treatment with the Erbium:Yag laser offers several advantages, including less pain, less risk for undesired color changes of the skin, 30-50% faster healing, and less redness of the skin after healing compared to carbon dioxide laser resurfacing.

The special properties of the Erbium:YAG laser are due to its wavelength in the infrared region, at 2940 nm. At this wavelength, water absorbs over ten times as much energy as it does at 10,600 nm, the wavelength of the carbon dioxide laser. Consequently, virtually all of the laser energy is consumed by water, heating it and vaporizing tissue. Thus, very little energy is left to scatter into the skin and produce nonspecific heating.



Laser Resurfacing and Microlaser Peel at Nu Vela

The state-of-the-art Erbium:YAG laser for laser resurfacing used at Nu Vela is the Contour TRL™, manufactures by Sciton. This laser has become a widely used tool by leading plastic surgeons and dermatologists around the world because it achieves dramatic results—more precisely and more comfortably. When the procedure is performed by a skilled physician, side effects are relatively infrequent.

Full ablative laser skin resurfacing with the Contour TRL™requires some downtime (7 to 10 days), but gives results in one treatment, while fractional resurfacing, also offered at Nu Vela under the name ProFractional-XC resurfacing, can give much the same results with minimal downtime but over a series of treatments. Which of these treatments is right for you depends on your goals, your schedule, and your skin.

The Contour TRL™ is unique because it offers state-of-the-art modalities in one system by treating a wide variety of skin conditions and giving excellent results. The special scanning device of Sciton’s Contour TRL™ moves the laser beam across the skin in a predetermined pattern and gives your physician precise control to gently remove a uniform depth of damaged skin with each pulse or pass. Moreover, this device allows your physician to match the desired result with the desired amount of downtime through independent selection of the amount of thermal coagulation for collagen buildup, and the depth of laser peel; from very superficial microlaser peel (10 and 60 microns) to very deep (300 microns).

The Procedure

Preparation for the procedure is essential for best results. At least one week before the treatment, you should stop taking medications that may affect blood clotting, stop taking Aspirin, vitamin E, or quit smoking, in case you are a heavy smoker.

Laser skin resurfacing with the Contour TRL™ can be performed with topical numbing cream for more superficial treatments, while deeper and full face resurfacing is usually performed with nerve blocks and pain pills. Added safety and comfort are achieved by the highly effective super cold air, continuously provided by the Zimmer cooling machine.

Laser Skin Resurfacing Recovery

In most cases, only a single treatment is required. Redness following treatment usually lasts 2–3 weeks after surgery, during which new and fine skin, free of many wrinkles will emerge. A petrolatum such as Catrix or Aquaphor will need to be worn until the crusting sloughs off. Improvement in the appearance of the skin continues to occur for the next 8–12 months. You can start putting make-up in 3–10 days, depending upon the depth of resurfacing and your age. In the early weeks and months following treatment, your skin will be red, tender, and needs protection. Accordingly, you should always wear sunscreen and avoid prolonged exposure to the sun.



Questions About the Cost of Laser Skin Resurfacing?

Our receptionist will be delighted to assist you with any inquiries regarding the cost of laser skin resurfacing in Los Angeles. At Nu Vela Laser Medical Spa, we do offer non-surgical cosmetic financing options for our patients to help make paying for their laser skin resurfacing easier.

Schedule a Consultation

If you are looking for an effective treatment that can rejuvenate the beauty of your skin, contact Nu Vela Laser Medical Spa today to schedule a consultation for your laser skin resurfacing.  We are located in the northwest San Fernando Valley, SFV, with easy connection from most local Los Angeles freeways. You may reach our Los Angeles medical spa by calling 818-832-4500.  Our medical director Dr. Raffi Dishakjian personally performs all laser procedures at Nu Vela Laser Medical Spa and is dedicated to providing the best laser skin resurfacing Los Angeles has to offer.